Food Processing
Waste waters from dairy operations and from processing and manufacture of dairy products can contain significant quantities of high quality fats and proteins.
These contribute to very high biological oxygen demand (BOD) of discharge waters.
It is also a waste of potential resource if these products are disposed of to landfill or waste ponds.
Our calcium bentonite clays have a very high affinity for both fats and proteins.
These clays can be combined with appropriate flocculants to facilitate rapid separation of oils-fats and proteins from the “loaded” water.
Meat Processing
Bentonite clay is used extensivement in treatment processes for recovery of usable fats, tallow and protein from meat processing, food processing and dairy product processing industries.
a) Removal and recovery of fats and proteins from waste waters
Belntonite clay has a very high binding capacity for proteins in water.
This means that not only proteins can be recovered from complex mixtures of products and reused or disposed of as appropriate but significant savings in the cost of disposing if "loaded" waste water are realised.
b) Removal and recovery of tallow and proteins from stickwater and other waste waters from rendering and animal by-products industries
Bentonite clay in combination with natural flocculants is able to remove fats and proteins from abattoir wastewaters.
Watheroo bentonite is GRAS status, so are considered suitable for inclusion in animal feeds.
Natural polymer and food grade additives are added to bentonite cay to enhance adsorption of fats and other valuable compounds, and to flocculate the clay
The recovered fats and proteins are mixed with bentonite clay and additives which means the recovered solids are suitable for inclusion in animal feeds and/or further processed to recover valuable components.
This process ensures that wastewaters are treated which can lead to substancial savings in disposal of "loaded" waster water, whilst at the same time proteins and fats in waste stream are recovered.
These give economic values to waste materials that otherwise are disposed of to costly landfill.
Fruit, Vegetable, and Food Processing Waste Waters
Waste waters from processing and manufacture of food products can contain significant quantities of high quality fats, proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients.
These contribute to very high biological oxygen demand (BOD) of discharge waters.
It is also a waste of potential resource if these products are disposed of to landfill or waste ponds.
Our calcium bentonite clays have a very high affinity for both fats and proteins.
Bentonite clays can be combined with appropriate flocculants to facilitate rapid separation and concentration of useful products from food processing waste waters.
Bentonite clays are suitable for use in stock feeds, when feed grade flocculants are used the products can be used in stock feeds or other applications.
This enables effective treatment of water to reduce BOD and also concentrates and recovers products so that they can be used productively.